Welcome to POSSING ELECTRONIC CO., LTD homepage. We are experienced automobile fuse and fuse holder manufacturer originated in Taiwan R.O.C. For your convenience, we created this web site which enables you to reach us very easily. Please take your time and visit our web site.

Company Profile

            We, POSSING ELECTRONIC CO., are a professional fuses and fuse holders manufacturer in Taiwan since 1979. Our products are enjoying high reputation for their excellent quality. Our electronic products have been granted approval by UL & CSA.

              Our factory address in Taipei, Taiwan R.O.C. is as followed:

3F., No. 7. Lane 125, Chien Ba Rd., Chung Ho City, Taipei Taiwan R.O.C.

TEL: 886-2-3234-1388         FAX:886-2-3234-1322

Product Approvals:

Copyright ?998 Possing Electronic Co., Ltd.